Department of Commerce(

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To create interest in commerce related subjects in Higher education to make them more competent and competitive.

To provide platform to the students to exhibit their talents and creativity.



To encourage self-evaluation, personality development of infrastructure in technologically update & intellectually inspiring environment for learning, research, creativity innovation& professional activity and inculcate in them ethical and moral values.

Department of commerce provides excellent teaching and learning environment with its focus on continuing education.

SWOC Analysis:


  • Qualified, Motivated and competent faculty with a blend of high experience and young and energetic dynamics.
  • Participation in seminars, workshops and conference.
  • Effective teaching-learning process practice oriented with special emphasis on learning with teacher as facilitators.
  • Well-equipped library with sufficient number of books.
  • Supporting slow learners through remedial classes and counselling.


  • Poor communication skills both in verbal and non-verbal among students.
  • Deteriorating student’s strength in the course (Rural Areas).
  • Limited scope to introduce various add-on courses.


  • More scope to use modern technology aids in teaching learning programs.
  • Communication and competitive skill development programs for students.
  • To provide more training and counselling for students to become more employable and for higher education.


  • Accepting, adopting and updating the technologies relating to teaching and learning.
  • To inculcate skills in the students to make them employable.

Future Plans:

  • To conduct more number of syllabus oriented seminars from the students.
  • To conduct life skill development programs regularly.
  • To give various project works to develop skill and practical knowledge.
  • To improve business lab with charts, models other relevant information.
  • To start Commerce Alumni Association to provide support to make the students employable by updating skills as per the requirements of the industries.